
Sing & Play Folk Songs




◇60年代モダンフォーク(60’s Modern Folk Songs)

○The Brothers Four
 ・Try to Remember [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Seven Daffodils(7つの水仙) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Green Field [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・The Green Leaves of Summer(遥かなるアラモ) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Lady Greensleeves [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・San Francisco Bay Blues [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Sloop John B(ジョンB号の遭難) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]

○The Kingston Trio
 ・Where Have All the Flowers Gone?(花はどこへ行った) [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Greenback Dollar [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Chilly Winds(冷たい風) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]

 ・Other Side of Life(人生の裏側) [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・The Wedding Song (There is love) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・When The Ship Comes In(船が入ってくるとき) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

○The New Christy Minstrels
 ・Green Green [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Today [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○The Rooftop Singers
 ・Walk Right In(行け行けドンドン) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○Ian & Sylvia
 ・Four Strong Winds(風は激しく) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Early Morning Rain(朝の雨) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

○Gordon Lightfoot
 ・Rainy Day People(雨の日の人々) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Pussy Willows Cat-tails [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Summer Side of Life (人生の夏の日) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Song For A Winter's Night(冬の夜の歌) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Summer Time Dream(夏の日の夢) [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Sundown [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

○Eric Andersen
 ・Come To My Bedside(おいでよ僕のベッドに) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Violets Of Dawn(夜明けのすみれ) [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Thirsty Boots(疲れた靴) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○Tom Paxton
 ・What Did You Learn in School Today(学校で何を習ったの) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Rambling Boy [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・TheLast Thing on My Mind(我が心最後のもの) [Lyrics/Chords]

○Bob Dylan
 ・Blow in the Wind (風に吹かれて) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Girl From the North Country(北国の少女) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・A Hard Rain a Gonna Fall (はげしい雨が降る) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Don't Think Twice, It's All Right(くよくよするなよ) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・The Times They Are A-Changin' (時代は変わる) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・It Ain't Me Babe(悲しきベイブ) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Love Minus Zero/No Limit [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・All Along the Watchtower(見張り塔からずっと)[Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Knockin' On Heaven's Door(天国への扉) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

○Joan Baez
 ・Diamonds and Rust [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・There but for Fortune [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

○Judy Colinds
 ・Someday Soon [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Who Knows Where the Times Goes(時の流れを誰が知る) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○Tim Hardin
 ・Reason to Believe [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・If I Were a Carpenter [Lyrics/Chords]

 ・Catch the Wind [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Colours [Lyrics/Chords]

○Simon & Garfunkel
 ・The Sound of Silence [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Wednesday Morning 3AM(水曜の朝、午前3時 [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・I Am a Rock [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Leaves That Are Green(木の葉は緑) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Kathy's Song(キャシーの歌) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Richard Corley [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・A Most Peculiar Man(とても変わった人) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・April Comes She Will(4月になれば彼女は) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Scaboro Fair(スカボロー・フェア/詠唱) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Pattern [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Homeward Bound(早く家に帰りたい) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy)(59番街橋の歌) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・The Dangling Conversation(夢の中の世界) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Flowers Never Bend With the Rainfall(雨に負けぬ花) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・For Emily Whenever I May Find Her(エミリー・エミリー) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Mrs.Robinson [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・America [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Punkey's Dilamma(パンキーのジレンマ) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Hazy Shade of Winter(冬の散歩道) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・The Boxer [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Bridge Over Trouble Water(明日に架ける橋)[Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

 ・I'll Never Find Another You(恋はたったひとつ) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

 ・Phil Ochs - Changes(木の葉の丘) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Scott McKenzie - Sanflancisco(花のサンフランシスコ) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Mimi & Richard Farina - Pack Up Your Sorrows(哀しみをわが手に) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Barry Mcguire - Eve of Distruction(明日なき世界) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・P.F.Sloan - From a Distance(孤独の世界) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]


○Rolling Stones
 ・As Tears Go By(涙あふれて) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Lady Jane [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Ruby Tuesday [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・No Expectation [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Wild Horses [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○Buffallo Sprinsfield
 ・I am a Child [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・On the Way Home [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Sad Memory(悲しみの思い出) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

 ・I Wana Be Free(自由になりたい) [Lyrics/Chords]

○Velvet Underground
 ・Femme Fatale(宿命の女) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

 ・Have You Ever Seen the Rain(雨を見たかい) [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Who'll Stop the Rain [Lyrics/Chords]

 ・Mr.Tambouring Man〜Turn Turn Turn [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・My Back Pages [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

○The Band
 ・The Weight [MP3Lyrics/Chords和訳]


○Jim Croce
 ・You Don't Mess Around With Jim(ジムに手を出すな) [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・New York's Not My Home(ニューヨークは好きじゃない) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Photograghs And Memories(写真と思い出)[Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Operator (That's not the way it feels) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Time in a Bottle [MP3Lyrics/Chords和訳]
 ・Alabama Rain(アラバマの雨) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Next Time, This Time [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Bad Bad Leroy Brown(リロイ・ブラウンは悪い奴)[Lyrics/Chords和訳]
 ・I Got a Name [MP3Lyrics/Chords和訳]
 ・I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song(歌にたくして) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]

○James Taylor
 ・Carolina in My Mind [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Sweet Baby James [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Fire and Rain [MP3Lyrics/Chords和訳]
 ・You've Got a Friend(君の友達) [MP3Lyrics/Chords和訳]
 ・You Can Close Your Eyes(目を閉じてごらん) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Long Ago And Far Away(遠い昔) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Wanderlin [MP3Lyrics/Chords]

○Paul Simon
 ・Mother And Child Reunion(母と子の絆) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Duncan(ダンカンの歌) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Me And Julio Down By The Schoolyard(僕とフリオと校庭で) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Kodachrome(僕のコダクローム) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・American Tune(アメリカの歌) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Still Crazy After All These Years(時の流れに) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover(恋人と別れる50の方法) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Graceland [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

○Cat Stevens
 ・Father & Son(父と子) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Morning Has Broken(雨に濡れた朝) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Wild World [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Moon Shadow [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・The Wind [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・If I Laugh [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○Neil Diamond
 ・Sweet Caroline [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Song Sung Blue [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○Neil Young
 ・Sugar Mountain [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Cow Girl In Sand [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Down By the River [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Tell Me Why [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Only Love Can Break heart [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Out On The Weekend(週末に) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Heart of Gold(孤独の旅路) [MP3Lyrics/Chords和訳]
 ・The Neddle and Damage Down [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・My My Hey Hey(Into the Black) [MP3Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Harvest Moon [MP3Lyrics/Chords]

 ・Teach Your Children [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・The Lee Shore [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Right Between The Eyes [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Love The One You're With(愛への讃歌) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Helpless [Lyrics/Chords和訳]

 ・A Horse With No Name(名前のない馬) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Ventura Highway [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Sister Golden Hair(金色の髪の少女) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

 ・If [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Make it With You(二人の架け橋) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Diarly [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○John Denver
 ・Annie's Song(緑の風のアニー) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Sun Shine on My Shoulders(太陽を背に受けて) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・For Baby, For Bobby [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・I'm Sorry [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Leaving on the Jet Plane(悲しみのジェットプレーン) [Lyrics/Chords]

 ・Me And You And A Dog Named Boo(僕と君のブー) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・I'd Love You To Want Me(片想いと僕) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Don't Expect Me To Be Your Friend(君ともさよなら) [Lyrics/Chords]

○Don Mclean
 ・Vincent (Starry Starry Night) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・American Pie[Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

○Joni Mitchell
 ・The Circle Game [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Both Side Now(青春の光と影) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

○Jackson Blowne
 ・Song for Adam(アダムに捧げる歌) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・These Days(青春の日々) [Lyrics/Chords]

○Dan Fogelberg
 ・Longer [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Scarecrow's Dream(かかしの夢) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Leader of the band(バンドリーダの贈り物) [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Run For the Roses(バラに向かって走れ) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○David Bowie
 ・Star Man [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Space Oddty [Lyrics/Chords]

 ・Guilbert oSullivan -Alone Again [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・Kris Kristofferson - Me and Bobby McGee [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Harry Chapin - Cats in the Cradle(ゆりかごの中の猫) [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Kenny Loggins - Danny's Song(ダニーの歌) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Seals & Crofts - Summer Bleeze(想い出のサマーブリーズ) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・England Dan & John Ford Coley - I'd Really Love To See You Tonight(秋風の恋) [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street(霧のベーカーストリート) [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Ralph McTell - Streets of London [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Stephen Bishop - On and On [Lyrics/Chords和訳]
 ・Jimmy Buffett - Margaritaville(魅惑のマルガリタヴィル) [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Ned Dohenny - Post Card From Hollywood(ハリウッドからの葉書) [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Glen Campbell - Rhinestone Cowboy [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Rod Stewart - Magie May [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Paul McCartny - Marry Had a Little Lamb(メアリーの子羊) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・John Lennon - Happy Xmas(War is over) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]


 ・The Sage(賢人) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・Father in Chirstmas(夢見るクリスマス) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○Pink Floyd
 ・Wish You Were Here [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○King Krimson
 ・Cadence and Cascade [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

 ・I'm Not In Love [Lyrics/Chords]

 ・Dust In the Wind(すべては風の中で) [Lyrics/Chords]


○Bruce Sprinsteen
 ・The River [Lyrics/Chords]

○Fleetwood Mac
 ・Landslide [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○Richard Marx
 ・Now and Foever [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○Cyndi Lauper
 ・Time after time [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

○Eric Clapton
 ・Tears in heaven [Lyrics/Chords]


 ・Simon & Garfunkel -Mrs.Robinson [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

 ・The Byrds - The Barade of Easy Rider [Lyrics/Chords]
 ・The Band - The Weight[MP3Lyrics/Chords和訳]

 ・B. J. Thomas - Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

 ・Bee Gees - First of May(若葉の頃) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]
 ・CSN&Y - Teach Your Children [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

 ・Harry Nilsson - Everybody's Talkin(噂の男) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

 ・Keith Caradine - I'm Easy [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

 ・Sting - Shape of My Heart [MP3、Lyrics/Chords]

 ・Jim Croce - I've Got a Name [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

 ・Bob Dylan - Knockin' On Heaven's Door(天国の扉) [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]

 ・Buffy Saint-Marie- The Circle Game [Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
 ・CSN&Y - Helpless [MP3、Lyrics/Chords、和訳]
